I'm getting kind of used to this. The kids are doing well. Ananya isn't quite as clingy as I thought she would be. Prasun is doing well except for time to take a nap yesterday. He refused to go to sleep. I think it was past nap time and he got over tired though. I think the poor boy is as tired as I am. I'm ok for about the first 2 hours that I'm awake. Then I start to feel really bad.
Patrick is getting used to 2 of them. Getting used to the fact that Prasun weighs so much more than Ananya. Getting used to both of them wanting held at the same time. He doesn't like to hold both of them and refuses to let me do it. I on the other hand love it. I love both of my babies in my arms.
I'm very impressed that they haven't tried to hurt each other fighting over toys. We definitely have to watch them both. They do play together well. Ananya is actually a very sweet sister. She will pat him on the back when we are laying down. Yesterday Patrick gave them a bath. Prasun is so scared of the water. He starts to hyperventilate a bit. Ananya reached over and started rubbing his back. Patrick said it was so cute. I didn't witness because I was half dead in bed.
I love seeing the differences in these 2. Prasun loves his sippy cup. He drinks so much. Ananya will mostly only drink if its sweet tea or Pepsi. Prasun loves to feed himself. Ananya is content to let us do it. Prasun hates cold drinks or anything sour like orange juice. Ananya pretty much eats everything not nailed down.
He is sitting next to me eating a banana right now. It is too cute. I think he will be saying a least a few words in the next few weeks. Patrick says he looks through the books and asks "what's that?" I heard him say thank you at the airport in Chicago after I said it. We may be able to get him cruising around with furniture soon. He stands really well. I'm excited to get all his services started soon to see how quickly he picks things up. He is so smart.
I hope to have even more pictures of the 2 of them up. Maybe even all 3 of them. Anthony is adjusting well. I'm sure they will get close once we get settled into some sort of routine. He had a birthday party to go to this weekend. I'm sure we will see this week what happens with me and all 3 kids.
Oh 1 thing I didn't mention about Prasun is that he has a temper. When things aren't going his way, boy will he scream.
Well, I have to go. He has decided he doesn't want to eat the banana or sit in the highchair. And so my day begins.
You are amazing! It is SO great to see your beautiful kids in your arms. Praying for good rest for you and continued smooth adjustments for your family! All the best! christin (david's mom)
Love the pictures of everyone together! You sound like you're doing so well, Amanda. Isn't it fun discovering his personality? I'm so happy you're home and settling in.
-- Nancy
Hi Amanda!!
It was so great to be able to meet you and Prasun...I wasn't sure if it was going to work out, and I'm so glad that it did.
It's so sweet to see a smile on his face...what a cutie. I'm glad you two made it home :)
Allie Etter
Love to see that smile on Prasun's face!!! Great family shot too. Glad that you are all finding your way and that things are going well.
Julie R
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