Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We won't know until Friday if the judge has signed the case yet. It seems like all the other families are finding out that day. Of course, we get to wait an extra day. I think we are the only ones waiting for a date on the 11th and with the time difference the courts close before we start our day. One of those days where I have to say "I love adoption". Sorry for the sarcasm I've been sick this week and getting to my wits end with everything.
We waited 149 days to get Ananya's guardianship papers signed. As of today we have waited 168 days for Prasun's legals. The only way that his process could be longer than hers is if we can manage to stretch out the passport wait for over a month.
Sorry for all the sarcasm. I just want my baby.


Candice said...

So so sorry for the continued delays. I agree...it's not fair! What could that judge be thinking?! :( Hopefully these delays will make your reunion with Prasun all the more sweet!


The Labontes said...

I firmly believe that sarcasm can be therapeutic :)

Thinking of you!

Such a Big Boy!!

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