Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sleeping Beauty


Candice said...

What a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry you are having a difficult time. I guess it is like giving birth. The last couple of weeks are the hardest because you are so ready for the baby to be here. It is so close, yet seems so far away as the weeks drag on. Hang in there! :) Soon we'll be celebrating with you.


The Labontes said...

He looks so peaceful. Much easier to see than the last couple of tearful pics. We are praying for speed to pick up in your process.

Pam said...

He is so precious. I can't wait to see you holding him. Praying for you

Nadra said...

He's so precious. I can't wait until he's home with you guys. I'm really glad that he's not crying in these pictures...resting peacefully helps a mommy's heart. Praying for you!

Peter and Nancy said...

What a handsome son you have! Oh, those photos just clutch at my heart, and I'm not even his mama. Hugs to you as you wait!
-- Nancy

Such a Big Boy!!

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