Monday, September 29, 2008

What Now?

I know most of my readers are adoptive families, but I just wanted to update those that aren't familiar with Indian adoptions.
The judge has signed the paperwork and I'm pretty sure it is actually in the US right now.
The orphanage director is sending the paperwork to the consulate office to be attested Tuesday (now) in India and then she will apply for Prasun's passport. The wait time that is given right now for passports is about 15 days.
In the US, once the paperwork is sorted by the adoption agency, they will send us a copy. They also send a copy to the OK ICPC office. OK will send a copy to the NC ICPC office. This is a compact between the states because Dillon doesn't have an office in NC. Both states have to agree with the placement of Prasun. This should take 3-4 weeks. I'm going to give it 2 and then check on the NC part because our paperwork got lost last time.
Once the passport is issued, I'm ready to travel. We do need ICPC issued before I get back. I'm going to stay on them and beg if I have to so it is done quickly. It is time to get my boy home.
I'm thinking I'll be traveling the last week of October.
Well that is the timeline for now. I'm hoping every thing is done in the next 4 weeks so I can go.
I'm spending my free time trying to get all the paperwork together. I did manage to get Prasun added to our health insurance today. I also sent off my travel visa. I have to track down a couple of documents. I can't find our marriage liscense and have to order it from PA. That has been my only roadblock with paperwork today.
I do have a small problem with my job. Its nothing huge but I'm hoping to get it straightened out quickly. I just wish the human resources person was alittle more helpful. I'll get it figured out though.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I know who is going to India with me!!!

Kristi's case got APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess I'm traveling with Kristi AND Jason.


I just told Kristi the other day that I thought the judge would sign her case. I'm so happy for Shaili to come home.

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Pictures.

Guess its my lucky day. We got new pictures on top of everything else. Not sure what is up with this template, but if you click on the show it will give you bigger images.

Then and Waiting for Now

My babies will finally be together again soon.


Our case worker just emailed me and we are approved. The judge should sign the case in the next few days. Then we wait for his passport, ICPC, and travel approval. Hopefully we can leave the 2nd or 3rd week in October.
I'm so happy as you can imagine after my last post. I got the call just a few minutes after posted that.

Today is another Big Day

I'm waiting for an email of news. The judge was supposed to hear our case today. The day is over and done with in India now. I just have to wait for the news to reach us. Did he sign or did he take the day off?
I'm torn. I don't know whether to allow myself to feel and start to hope? Or should I continue to guard my feelings? Should I feel luck if he is home by Christmas or even his next birthday?
I woke up hopeful. I can't let myself feel it though. I just can't. I don't know how I will get through the day if I get another phone call saying I'm sorry. I know I will get through the day but at present I'm not sure how.
How do you prepare yourself to know your child and continue to wait with no certain time of when you can finally take care of them? How do you wake up everyday knowing that your child is halfway across the world? I can't touch him, I can't hug him, I can't see him. I feel like everyday a piece of me dies as I live through this. Honestly, it is getting harder to make it through each day. It is getting impossible to live with.
It is making me angry!! This adoption is sucking the joy out of my life. I can see where it should be and can't enjoy everyday things that are a blessing. I've been through this before. Ananya's adoption took me to the end of my rope, to the bottom. I remember spending so many days figuratively standing on the edge and looking down. That is how I've felt for weeks. I don't know how much more I can take. The judge knows though. He'll sign the case when he is good and ready and I'll be waiting on that day. I'll make it to the day that I finally get to hold my child. Then, slowly, the joy will seep back into my life. I'll see the light again.
But today, I wait...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today isn't My Day!! ;o(

The judge didn't sign our case today. He didn't do it.
My coffee was burnt that I bought at McDonalds this morning.
I'm writing from hospital bed. Check out the details here.
We are hoping the case is heard next week or it will be a really long wait because of the holidays.
I'll keep you guys updated.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We won't know until Friday if the judge has signed the case yet. It seems like all the other families are finding out that day. Of course, we get to wait an extra day. I think we are the only ones waiting for a date on the 11th and with the time difference the courts close before we start our day. One of those days where I have to say "I love adoption". Sorry for the sarcasm I've been sick this week and getting to my wits end with everything.
We waited 149 days to get Ananya's guardianship papers signed. As of today we have waited 168 days for Prasun's legals. The only way that his process could be longer than hers is if we can manage to stretch out the passport wait for over a month.
Sorry for all the sarcasm. I just want my baby.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Court Date

We have been assigned our first court date for September 11th. If youu don't remember from the first time around we had like 3 or 4 court dates before our case was heard so I'm not holding my breath.

Such a Big Boy!!

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

My Sissy

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Big Brother

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker