Friday, August 1, 2008

Rerun Slide Show

Now seemed like a good time to repeat this slide show. I miss Prasun today. We are still waiting for a courtdate.


Candice said...

You sound very nostalgic today. Your comment and your picture made me think of a verse a friend once shared with, I will share it with you. :)

This vision (our adoption), is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. Habakkuk 2:3

I don't know what version they used, and I know the writer was speaking of something else, but they claimed this verse during their adoption and I love the hope it offers. :) Hang in there!

Pam said...

Hang it there are almost there! Love ya!

Kristi W. said...

He's so adorable, Amanda! Thanks for re-running this. I love to imagine what the pics of him will look like when he's home with his new family. :) Still praying for speedy court...

:) Kristi

Peter and Nancy said...

I'm thinking of the story in the Bible of the persistent woman going back to the judge so many times that he finally gives her what she wants . . . Wish we could visit that judge ourselves. Meantime, I guess we will have to go with the higher lesson of the story, and keep on harrassing . . . er, I mean praying, to our heavenly Father. Hang in there, Amanda.
-- Nancy

Such a Big Boy!!

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My Sissy

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