Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Pictures :o(

We got new pictures last week and I am just getting around to posting them. Poor Prasun was obviously not happy. Of course these are the hardest pictures to see. Hopefully, we will be traveling before we know it.


The Labontes said...

He's got a good pouty lip going on there. He's still just a doll, Amanda. Can't wait until you're the one holding him.


Pam said...

Poor baby!!! Needs Mommy right now! {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}

Peter and Nancy said...

If those don't make you want to hop on a plane right this instant, I don't know what would! He's such an adorable boy -- and I'm not even his mom! Thinking of you as you wait,

Cindy said...

Hoping and praying that you travel soon!!

Cindy O.

Kristi W. said...

That's pure torture. Hang in there. He's beautiful even when he's screaming his guts out. I'm praying for fast legals this time around. Maybe the judge will remember you and decide to do it speedy quick to compensate you for the time he wasted last time. Here's hoping!


Such a Big Boy!!

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My Sissy

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

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