Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Pictures

We just got these new pictures. I am so thankful to the Lord every time I see him smiling. I know he is happy, healthy, and safe while waiting for me. I can't believe I'm getting a thumb sucker. My other 2 never did that, although Anthony did have a pacifier for a while.
(I had such a hard time loading these that I'm not going to delete the duplicate. There are never enough Prasun pictures.)


The Labontes said...

Oh my gosh, that grin gets me every time. He's a doll, Amanda. I can't wait to see him with his whole family.

Peter and Nancy said...

I feel some kind of attachment to both Luke (Swarnadip) and Prasun since seeing them when we brought home Anya Rashi. I can't explain it -- Prasun just had so much personality and such a sense of good humor about him. I can't wait for him to be with you!
Love to you all,

Such a Big Boy!!

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

My Sissy

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Big Brother

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker